
If you’re coming here from Comic-Con International San Diego, welcome!

Solution Squad is an all-ages comic that teaches math. If you attended one of my panels, you already know this, so let’s get started!

You’re already in the right place for free webcomics. We are currently finishing the second Solution Squad story, “The Trouble with Trains.” That story begins here!

If you are interested in the first story, “Primer,” that can be found digitally at our Teachers Pay Teachers store, either with a sample of our lesson plans or with all 25 pages of lesson plans. The store is found here. If you just want to read the digital comic, you can get it in classroom presentation format here, or in ComiXology format here.

Following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, is also appreciated. Although we’ve been working on the comics for three years, the rest of our work is still in its infancy. Creator Jim McClain is still a full-time teacher with a 10-year old daughter, so available time is at a premium.

If you are interested in having Jim travel to speak to the teachers in your school on how to use Solution Squad in the classroom, you can contact him at jim@solutionsquad.net! The address is also perfect if you have any questions or comments at all!

Thanks for visiting!